The comic is set in the same universe as DECAHEDRON, a comic created by Leopoldo Anjo and Jussara Nunes, which was released in 2019 during CCXP.
The artist Leopoldo Anjo explains that the aim is to explore other areas of this universe and show how regular people are affected by the existence of vampires and werewolves.
According to the writer Rodrigo Ramos, the comic will initially be published as a webcomic, but there are plans to release a printed comic in the future, and a longer script is already in the works.
The artist Leopoldo Anjo explains that the aim is to explore other areas of this universe and show how regular people are affected by the existence of vampires and werewolves.
According to the writer Rodrigo Ramos, the comic will initially be published as a webcomic, but there are plans to release a printed comic in the future, and a longer script is already in the works.
CLAYTON CROSS will be published weekly on Instagram @_claytoncross_, featuring a noir narrative filled with action inspired by 70s films and police series.
Currently, the project is in production of its first printed edition:
Clayton Cross - #01 - Coffee and Blood.
This milestone represents a significant moment in the project’s trajectory.
Written and created by Rodrigo Ramos @rodrigoramoshq
Artwork and created by Leopoldo Anjo @leopoldoanjo
Clayton Cross @_claytoncross_
Artwork and created by Leopoldo Anjo @leopoldoanjo
Clayton Cross @_claytoncross_